Sunday, January 29, 2006
HaPpy CHinEse New Year!!!
Hahaz! So sorry i took so long to come back and inject some of my inescapable liveliness to this wonderful blog!! Hahaz. Really glad to see so many contributions from you gals! THanks a lot for making this blog possible! :P But.. Where are the guys????? Are they "pon-ten"ing this again? Hee..
Was cleaning up my room yesterday after my parents kept pushing me to do it and i found a piece of treasure i thought i lost! It's the class photo CD that SM burned for me!! Or was it mel?? Hahaz. Can't remember liaoz. Heh. So soRry!! Anyway, Yeah! Gonna add them to the blog sOon!! So MANY pictures!! Hahaz. And there's even videos during Teachers' Day 2004! But for now, think i'll start with the gathering at JP's house! It was a celebration for Shuyi's, Limin's, and Iso's Birthdays!!! Hahaz! EnjOy!! ;)
Was cleaning up my room yesterday after my parents kept pushing me to do it and i found a piece of treasure i thought i lost! It's the class photo CD that SM burned for me!! Or was it mel?? Hahaz. Can't remember liaoz. Heh. So soRry!! Anyway, Yeah! Gonna add them to the blog sOon!! So MANY pictures!! Hahaz. And there's even videos during Teachers' Day 2004! But for now, think i'll start with the gathering at JP's house! It was a celebration for Shuyi's, Limin's, and Iso's Birthdays!!! Hahaz! EnjOy!! ;)

"Happy Birthdays to you(s).....!"

"Make a wish.. Make a wish.."
"Yeah!!! Cut Cake Time!!!"
Leonie!! ( & She looks a bit sinister.. I wonder why.. =P)
Cleopas & his self-made CheEseCake!! Mama-Mia!!
Lin Jin trying to be cute!! And why is bell hiding??
Lin Jin - So Classic!! =P
(Now, why is bell hiding again when there's SO many photos of her already??!!)
Rare Glimpse of the Class Guys - Wenbin And Si Yuan!
Say CHeEsE!!! =P
Venue Proudly Sponsored By - The Afore
Hahaz!! That's abt it!! Have A greAt ChineSe New Year!! Gong Xi Gong Xi!! Have a prosperous, lucky new year!