Tuesday, January 31, 2006
s'pore discovery centre
okie, this was one of the very rare episodes when we actually got to GET OUT of school.. and have a little fun ourselves even though the actual purpose of the trip was rather dry: supporting our school's team at the National Education Quiz semi-finals (that was considered CIP leh!). i think our team was under quite a lot of pressure because apparently nj had been the winner for the past couple of years? i know that becoz the next gp lesson, ms phua came in and whined to us that we didnt win (so the pple up there sorta asked her why. and she was like "you ask me why? how i know!??") heh. comic. also one of the rare episodes that proved she's also human.. anyway.. the emcees were so sucky, that i didnt want to waste space in my journal complaining abt them haha. after the whole competition, gabriel, limin, sylvia, jessie, vaish isobel & i went to explore the SDC. and limin did something totally unforgettable haha. she went up behind the blue dragon (i think SDC's mascot) and pulled its tail, running around in circles and making that poor bugger spin!!! when she finally stopped, it stood with its arms akimbo, and started chasing limin. sylvia too. omg.. that was just hilarious coz limin and sylvia started shreaking in fright haha! i laughed until stomach pain =Þ so mean right? heh.. nowadays, when i see a mascot, i do something similar, but not so nasty. i'm kinder. i just tug at its tail gently.. haha. when that was done, we went to the outdoor playground and played like really deprived kids heh. we tried that merry-go-round thingy.. tried to spin each other til we fell off the machine. and i think we were also trying to apply physics. centripetal force heh. we also went onto the swings and tried to out-swing each other heh. i swear we were swinging so hard and high that we could have flipped over the bar and gone one round! but we didnt larh. it was good fun =)
that was a nice day. even though we had to come back to sch despite it being a day off for common test marking, it was still good fun heh. we shd visit a huge playground again and play our sockets off. like deprived kids all over again heh - sm
Sunday, January 29, 2006
HaPpy CHinEse New Year!!!
Hahaz! So sorry i took so long to come back and inject some of my inescapable liveliness to this wonderful blog!! Hahaz. Really glad to see so many contributions from you gals! THanks a lot for making this blog possible! :P But.. Where are the guys????? Are they "pon-ten"ing this again? Hee..
Was cleaning up my room yesterday after my parents kept pushing me to do it and i found a piece of treasure i thought i lost! It's the class photo CD that SM burned for me!! Or was it mel?? Hahaz. Can't remember liaoz. Heh. So soRry!! Anyway, Yeah! Gonna add them to the blog sOon!! So MANY pictures!! Hahaz. And there's even videos during Teachers' Day 2004! But for now, think i'll start with the gathering at JP's house! It was a celebration for Shuyi's, Limin's, and Iso's Birthdays!!! Hahaz! EnjOy!! ;)
Was cleaning up my room yesterday after my parents kept pushing me to do it and i found a piece of treasure i thought i lost! It's the class photo CD that SM burned for me!! Or was it mel?? Hahaz. Can't remember liaoz. Heh. So soRry!! Anyway, Yeah! Gonna add them to the blog sOon!! So MANY pictures!! Hahaz. And there's even videos during Teachers' Day 2004! But for now, think i'll start with the gathering at JP's house! It was a celebration for Shuyi's, Limin's, and Iso's Birthdays!!! Hahaz! EnjOy!! ;)

"Happy Birthdays to you(s).....!"

"Make a wish.. Make a wish.."
"Yeah!!! Cut Cake Time!!!"
Leonie!! ( & She looks a bit sinister.. I wonder why.. =P)
Cleopas & his self-made CheEseCake!! Mama-Mia!!
Lin Jin trying to be cute!! And why is bell hiding??
Lin Jin - So Classic!! =P
(Now, why is bell hiding again when there's SO many photos of her already??!!)
Rare Glimpse of the Class Guys - Wenbin And Si Yuan!
Say CHeEsE!!! =P
Venue Proudly Sponsored By - The Afore
Hahaz!! That's abt it!! Have A greAt ChineSe New Year!! Gong Xi Gong Xi!! Have a prosperous, lucky new year!
Friday, January 27, 2006
gong xi fa cai
haha okay that title was kinda lame. but yeah, have a jolly fantastic prosperous New Year! =ÞYoz everybody!!! Lets go out and kick some ass!!Whoo hoo!! Greetings to all of u munjans..which means yellow in tamil.. but i got the spelling wrong i'm sure... But yeah!! To all yellow/partly yellow ppl like myself.. Have a MERRY MERRY NEW YEAR!! have a SMASHING TIME U PPL!!! *muackz* and remember to eat lotssa goodies and keropok!!! *YUM YUM*
obviously mel's missing out on all e real good stuff. who e hell eats keropok during cny??! i thot we're stuffing our faces silly with bah-kwah, loveletters, kueh buluh, pineapple tarts.. shrimp rolls.. hmm. "and all the nuts..all nuts big and small" <<- that one mel said one.. LOL. to me, only cashew nuts and pistachios are worth eating. but mel thinks otherwise. she's all-accepting. hahaha~*
hmm. we shd have gone back to nj to watch the celebrations larh, but no one got time.. or the will to do it heheh. well, always got next year. hopefully maybe by then mr low married liao, then we all can get angpao hehehehe =Þ *rubs hands in glee*
folks how abt meeting up after cny? go crash mr low's house or something hee. =)
moo moo!!! *muacky muacky* Agatha ROCKS !!!! hee hee!!!
til later, mel & sm!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
another something of agie's
gah i'd put it up but agie refuses! hmph. ok but she wants the quote to be credited so well it's by william blake. someone wheedle her to put it up ^_^
something of agie's :D

something of agie's. gosh isn't it nice!!! i got her permission to put this up and since i believe good art should be shared - here it is!! now bow down and gawk at agie! ('s work i mean. you may gawk at her too :D)
Hey ppl!!! I finally learnt how to use the blogging thingie!!! OH MY GAWD...so dumb dumb...hee hee=p Yay!!! Sm just taught me...well, at least give me some credit la..I had to endure.. the haiz...being called dumb a lot bit from her... But I survived!!! And I'll be sending ya'll text from now onz baby!!! Whoo HOO!!!! excellent!!! BTW, hee hee^_^ My flight is at 8.15pm at changi airport..err..dunno which terminal..or flight...cannot remember LA!!! relax... i'll let ya'll know if u ppl are interested ^_^ *muackz*With lottsa lurve,
Mel da babe...
note from sm: classic larh, our bimbô queen hasnt left at all.. =Þ
Sunday, January 22, 2006
i havent spoken to glenn for a long time..

remember nemo? i actually thought both glenn and nemo looked alike. and i also remember, how limin & co with glenn would suddenly start singing xmas carols.. in the classroom and in the atrium O.o and the song in particular was silver bells..hmm. -sm
oookay this is a relatively short rant
hello folks! tis' iso, as requested by a persistent sm :P hmm. i am definitely not used to blogspot -_-" but it's good that there's no need for html tags and stuffies. and i'd have contributed earlier if i hadn't forgotten the username and password of this blog *sheepish*.in any case, i'm reading the class blog instead of reading my textbook, which is bad. yes, it is the end of the second week of school. and ok, it's not nice to complain about homework in this nice lil' blog. so.
sm and agie (and a now non-existent gabriel), thanks for updating regularly :D especially sm, who brings back many memories from her written diary ^_^ it's rollo btw, though i'm sure sylvia will be quite tickled by rowlow. eeyuh, pw. to me, the only good thing about it were the nice folks in my group :D
hum, i'm lazy to try to recall specific events about our class at the moment, so let me see if something random springs up in my mind. *thinks*... *continues thinking*... *still continues thinking*...
hmm. for some odd reason, the nj canteen seems to be popping up in my mind. i seem to recall at one point in time we (ok, at least the girls?) always went to the far end to sit, where the roti prata stall was. and the image of limin eating a big plate of nasi bryani is popping into my mind. and how sometimes some of us went to eat lunch during the 20 min break. and how tammy (i think?) used to skip lunch to study? wow, my memory seriously sucks. oops.
ok, that's it for now, back to studying *grumbles*. i'll write longer next time when i'm freer :D
and there sm, i've written something!
Saturday, January 21, 2006
project work..& horny dog
does anyone recall having to spend endless nights shifting thru irrelevant articles and researching for PW? i do..and the cursings in my diary are a good reminder too haha. pw was such a dread. and totally irrelevant to what i'm doing now! gosh. it was just plain torture for everyone and a waste of time. really. and the marking system is so bloody subjective and unfair too. sheesh..
our oral presentation was in mid november 2003. before that, gabby tammy kavin and i spent so many days at sylvia's place planning and rehearsing. alot of the time, tammy wasnt there coz of canoeing (but i'm not complaining.. just saying k) and kavin was. was he there? haha cant really rmb. i know he was partially deaf though. still is larh. talk to him he never hear. then when no one has said anything he'd just turn to you and go "huh??" as though u said something. quite funny hehe. i remember one time, we were all present! wah. then tammy was sitting on the floor of sylvia's study and hugging this huge red cushion. then. in came sylvia's dog. i still dunnoe how to spell his name.. rowlow? somebody pls enlighten me. anyway he made his grand entrance by running around and jumping onto everyone's legs. but next thing we knew, he was making a bee-line for tammy! oh-oh... in a split second, he was on the red cushion, facing tammy, and humping the cushion. i think we were all too shocked and laughing our asses off to help tammy. it was sooo. weird. what a weird dog. are all pomps like that? lol..
i laughed til my stomach ached. that was classic larh. i also remember that because we ended so late just the night b4 OP, the buses had stopped working and gabriel actually walked home! yes.. amazing mann.. yup. those were the more light hearted moments of pw.. of coz. there were the countless arguments and disagreements i'm sure everyone had to go thru trying to complete this stupid task. but i'm sure we had fun, somewhere in the process of completing pw? i hope so.. it was such a dread, but i also got closer to classmates.
i think thats abt it. til next time folks. iso its your turn to write!! grrr.. oh i have an analogy from my diary that i just read and actually found it quite.. meaningful? maybe not, but it was quite, nice. haha. basically i was lamenting abt r'ship probs and how one shdnt think too much at times.. it goes:
"i think if you leave things the way they are, they'll eventually settle down, just like shaking a snow globe will take a longer time for the snow to settle down" hmm. oh well. --sm
note: think i'll sign off from now on.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
yes agatha...i'm officially so bored and bo-liao that i actually went to scan the neoprint of us. but we all look so cute dun u think?? hahaha~* and i just realised then too, that it was the same 6 gurls! hee =Þ anyway, am bloody glad for the change in weather. 5 days of rain non-stop was just causing blues everywhere. the plants get a little sun too

here something i dug up.. no details in particular, but just events in J1.. we were playing frisbee for PE and it was really funny i think. coz i wrote "Fad kept sliding on e grass. so rough lor! he think he playing rugby meh??" haha sorry. not very funny, but just the image of Fad gliding thru the air (in slow-mo and swelling classical music at the back), landing on the grass and skiding on it like a penguin on ice.. just kinda farney larh. hehe. so typical behaviour of a. eh. alpha male. muahaha. we also won the Rangoli competition for Deepavali celebrations, and can anyone remember what was the prize?? come on... it was MARMEE!! that noodle biscuit! now.. why couldnt i remember that prize..? hahahah..
right thats it for now. til next time when i find something a little interesting again. anyone who remembers anything should contribute too!! i think next time i'll write abt sylvia's horny dog.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
almost 2 years on..

Friday, January 06, 2006
just ranting..
i'm not exactly great with words.. writing has never been my forte. but to make dear gabriel happier that his beloved creation is somewhat active, i shall try my best to write something, eh. interesting and hopefully, read-able. hahah~* gabriel, you still qian wo yi bei zi de zai lor...anyway.. i cant believe its 2006. crap. feel so bloody old now. i was taking the bus yday all the way from btp to yishun to meet a babe, and wah.. just looking at those uniformed kids on the bus made me suddenly wanna don a uniform again.. weird mann. its funny. when i was a senior either in sec sch or jc, i loved the feeling of giving scornful looks at juniors, in their freshly ironed uniform or their sec sch uniforms.. like. "huh... still long way more to go larH..." heh. i wonder if other people did the same thing.. or maybe its just me. i have a reputation for being mean. but u get my point. older meant more fun, more experience, more knowledge.. etc.etc. but as i watched these kids prance around in their uniforms, i wished i was young again.. uni wasnt as glam as i thought it'd be.. living independently, and i mean. really independently, is no fun. hahaha. i'm glad i survived year1, and even though year2 is infamously difficult, i'm rather looking forward to the challenge. i just miss going home everyday after school, to a hot piping meal waiting for me on the dining table.. having someone to complete the house chores for me. these small little things. i really hope pple here will learn to appreciate what their mums and maids are doing =) i dun even think army comes close. people cook food for you, even de-bone it for you.. wahbiang. but i shant comment more. wait i get into trouble =Þ
i glad i keep a diary.. i was looking thru it the other day, and read a line "today gabriel took a pink panadol.." that was in J1 i think.. he was having, eh. was it a headache?? cannot be cramps right.. *rubs chin* but somebody offered a pink (you know, the menstrual one...) panadol becoz there was no normal white one.. and he really did take it. to ease his headache. dun ask me how it works or whether it did.. . i havent started learning the clinical aspects of medicine.. but well. i hope it worked for him heheh. to be honest. i think i survived JC becoz of the great bunch of close-knitted friends i had. it made JC so much more bearable, and even though going to sch was a dread, except for chemistry heh, friends made it so much more.. ok. heh. tonnes of laughter, suaning each other.. battle of the wits..
i need to dig up more stuff from my diary. i think i shd have quite alot of funny stuff heh.. then i'll do everyone a disfavour and post all those funny embarrassing moments muahaha~* okay. but til then, i gotta go help mummy do something. diary must wait...